So you’re taking a shower and just when you are about to rinse the soap from your face, the water gets bone-chillingly cold! How many times has this happened to you? Running out of hot water when it is needed is a common problem with traditional water heaters, you might think that this can easily be remedied by switching to a new heater with a larger capacity tank, but the truth is that even big tanks will run out of water eventually, bigger tanks also cost a lot of money. The real solution to this dilemma is to replace your old Toronto water heater and try one of those new tankless water heaters.
Advantages of Tankless Water Heaters over Traditional Ones
- Energy Saving – Traditional water heaters need to constantly heat up a water tank so that there is always hot water ready, the water gets heated up even if you don’t need it, and if you run it, a lot of energy needs to be used to heat up all the water in the tank. With tankless water heaters, you save on energy because it only heats the water when it is needed; it shuts off automatically when it is not needed.
- They last longer than traditional water heaters – Because tankless water heaters heat up the water as they pass through it, no mineral deposits will accumulate in the pipes due to stagnant water. If you buy a reputable brand of tankless water heater, they can last for up to 20 years without the need to have it replaced. Unlike traditional water heaters that need to have periodic maintenance and is constantly in need of repairs.
- They save on space – Traditional water heaters need to have a large space because of the water tank. If you have a small home then finding a place for it can be tough. Finding enough space is not a problem with tankless water heaters, since they are usually only the size of a medicine cabinet, they can be conveniently placed under the bathroom sink.
- They are safer – Tankless water heaters come with a built-in thermostat so that you can set how hot the water will be heated. This is good for families that have small children as they won’t get scalded by overly hot water like in traditional heaters.
Even though Toronto tankless water heaters have these many advantages, there is still one thing that makes people shy away from buying these types of water heaters, and that is the high price. Typically, a good tankless water heater costs as much as three times that of a traditional water heating system, and not a lot of people would want to spend that much money on hot water. But if you think about it, because tankless water heaters can save on energy and is relatively maintenance-free you will be saving a lot of money in the long run.
So if you’re tired of all the hassles that traditional water heaters have, then go tankless!