Priority Plumbing

One of our plumbing team members performing drain cleaning services in Mississauga, ON

Toronto Plumber Rates Explained

What determines the rates that Toronto plumbers charge? First of all, the nature and importance of their service makes plumbers a vital part of society. Your plumbing and heating systems are “mechanical”. All “mechanical” systems eventually fail. It is just a matter of time. When it fails, you will need help. “Who you gonna call?” Plumbers play an essential part in the functioning of a city’s infrastructure. They are always in demand.

The Comfort Zone

Once you find the company who you are happy with, set up an appointment time that is convenient for you. Allow yourself and the plumber enough time to get to know each other, the needs and requirements of the job, and enough time for the plumber to put together the quote. A minimum of 4 hours is a guideline, as most reputable companies can do the job during a single visit, so you’ll want to allow time for that as well. The plumbing technicians should have a form or checklist of their own to record the location of, condition of, concerns about and solutions for your plumbing and heating systems. Follow the technician on his inspection throughout your home. This will help you to get to know him and he will give you great information about your homes’ mechanical systems.

The Big Decision

Notice that I have not yet talked about Toronto plumber rates. Price is important but it should not be your top priority. You are looking for a plumber that you can trust and feel comfortable with in your home. That is your top priority. If the technician you like is with a lower priced company, great! If the technician you like is with a more expensive company, but you feel he is genuinely trustworthy, isn’t he worth the price?

It is always best to use a company that uses a “flat rate” pricing system. “Flat rate” pricing means the technician will come to your home. Look at and diagnose your problem and then quote you a price from a “printed menu” price book. The ‘flat rate” system is fair and equitable to all concerned. Here is a list of a few of the many reasons this system is beneficial to both you and the plumbing company.

How to Get the Best Toronto Plumber Rates!

Would you like to save money on your favorite, trusted plumber? The best way to save money on your service work is with a “Service Contract”. A “service contract” usually includes an inspection of your mechanical systems, waives all trip charges, gives discounts off the “flat-rate” book price and always gives “top priority” to it’s “contract customers”. Every company has different perks for their “service contracts” so you must consider this when interviewing your plumbing companies. “Service contracts” do cost the customer money, but sometimes you have to “spend money” to “save money”. Most service companies charge a fee for the “service contract” to give it value and in return, you, the customer, receive an even higher value through their quality service and lower prices.


Our plumbing services have been satisfying the needs of Toronto residents for years, so much so that we were recently positively appraised by the Toronto Plumbing community. Priority makes it a priority to offer you the following guarantees: