Even though this winter might be looking like a milder one so far, the freeze is about to set in all over Toronto and it won’t let up for a while. That’s why we need to be vigilant when it comes to the plumbing in our homes. There are a few common winter plumbing problems that plague your pipes when the temperature drops – and remember that when they do, Priority Plumbing is just a quick phone call away.
High heating bills
People tend to overuse hot water and other heating methods during the cold months. Of course you should take advantage of hot water to fend off the cold, but don’t overdo it. Jumping in a hot, hour-long shower after rushing from the car to your front door might sound tempting, but remember that it’s money out of your pocket. Try to cut back and conserve water.
Burst pipes
We’ve covered the dangers of not insulating your pipes during the winter time, and we can’t stress this enough. We know that we are going to answer calls all over the GTA this season for people with frozen or burst pipes. There are ways to avoid this like leaving a trickle of water running or insulating them, but with frigid temperatures they can still happen. Call a licensed emergency plumber immediately to come address the issue.
Water heater malfunction
Overuse and debris build-up combined with the cold outside could lead to problems with your regular or tankless water heater. Since the weather outside is going to be frightful, these issues are going to be more pressing. Preventative maintenance from one of our professionals goes a long way to preventing these issues. If you find yourself in a pinch, then you know who to call.
The weather outside is about to take a turn for the worse, and you need to remain diligent with your home’s plumbing system. Don’t let the cold get the best of you. Here are some common winter plumbing problems that Priority Plumbing can take care of for customers around the Toronto area.