Priority Plumbing

Nothing Silly About Plumber’s Putty

Plumber’s putty is a substance used to make watertight seals between pipes and countertops. It will remain soft for a long while after it is used. This characteristic makes plumber’s putty ideal for seals you will need to reverse. Because it does stay soft for such an extended amount of time, you shouldn’t use plumber’s putty on pipes that will experience any amount of water pressure; the seals will not hold up to such pressure. The putty is fairly easy to use and can be wiped away if you make a mess. Read below to discover common uses for plumber’s putty.



You can use plumber’s putty around the rim of the sink to create a watertight barrier, but you should not use it if your  Toronto countertop is granite or another kind of stone. It is compatible with Formica countertops.

If you form the seal correctly, no water will be able to seep into the area under the sink and create mold or water damage. In order to install the sink correctly, apply the soft plumber’s putty to the bottom of the sink and place, with pressure to the countertop. Some sinks come with clips meant for the bottom of the sink (under the countertop). The clips ensure that the proper amount of pressure is placed on the plumber’s putty for it to be effective.


You may use plumber’s putty to seal drains in the sink or the bathtub. Like with the installation of a sink, you should place the putty underneath the drain before you place the drain. Then you should apply pressure in order to create a watertight bond.


To seal a toilet to the floor, you may use plumber’s putty. However, you should exercise caution. If you seal the toilet all the way around and it develops a leak somewhere, the water will be trapped in. The water will then rot the floor without any signs. In order to avoid this scenario, don’t seal the toilet all the way around. Then any seeping water will alert you of a leak.

Pipes and Plumbing

Plumber’s putty in pipes and plumbing does not hold up to water pressure. Use plumber’s putty only on pipes that will not experience a great deal of pressure. To seal pipes together, place the putty on the inside of the pipe, where the threads will twist together. Twist the other end of the pipe into the threads and the putty. Wipe away excess putty and allow time for it to set.

Exercise caution whenever you use plumber’s putty, as it contains oils that can discolor some surfaces. You generally should not use it on granite, plastics, marble or any other porous surfaces. (You can find certain brands, though, manufactured for use on surfaces such as these.) Be sure to read the warnings on your plumber’s putty in order to avoid these problems.


Plumber’s putty is an extremely useful substance – but not appropriate for all plumbing repairs.  Contact your Toronto plumber should the job prove too much to handle by yourself.
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