Do you purify water for your home? Many people don’t know whether or not their tap water is purified. Chances are if you use city water, your water has undergone some sort of purification process. Well water purification is generally handled on a case-by-case basis. Water purification refers to a process where contaminants are removed from water. These contaminants vary in severity, with some causing health consequences and other simply changing the taste of water.
What Types of Contaminants Could Be Present?
Drinking water standards are set by the local and national government of a particular area. With increased urbanization, water quality is becoming an increased concern.
Common water contaminants include:
- Chemical fertilizers and pesticides
- Sewage and wastewater
- Industrial waste
- Oil leakage
These contaminants are especially important to take note of if you rely on well water. This is because runoff will cause these contaminants to travel beyond their source. If you live towards the bottom of a hill, your well water may be particularly susceptible. In most places, there are regulations surrounding the use of chemicals associated with agriculture and construction, but sometimes accidents do happen that compromise your water quality.
How to Know Your Drinking Water Is Contaminated
If you have a reason to suspect that your water is contaminated, you should start drinking bottled water until you conduct a water quality test. A comprehensive water quality test is conducted by a professional who takes a sample that is analyzed at a lab. During the analysis, the water is tested for various chemicals and hazardous substances that are detrimental to your health. If you use well water, it is important to test the quality on a regular basis. This is because your water supply source is affected by changes in the surrounding environment. Construction of roads or buildings will often re-route a natural water sources’ path, causing it to come in contact with new objects and substances.
Not all issues with water quality will have impacts on your health. Iron, for example, causes orange staining around sinks and tubs. To be safe, get your well water tested at least once per year to ensure it is potable.
How Does Water Purification Work?
Water purification is a complex process and includes many different components to combat different water issues. The first part is filtration, which can be separated into physical and chemical filtration. Physical filtration removes large particles through a process where water is strained, whereas chemical filtration uses technology to remove impurities. Water is filtered multiple times to fully remove all contaminants.
Priority Plumbing is dedicated to helping you alleviate your plumbing, heating, and sewer issues. Learn more about our services by calling 416-762-8662 today!