Now that winter is finally upon us, it’s time to start preparing your home against common winter plumbing problems. One of the most common and potentially disastrous winter plumbing problems is frozen pipes. When the water inside pipes freezes, it puts excess pressure on your pipes which can cause them to burst. When these pipes burst, they can cause leaks and floods, which can lead to significant water damage and expensive repairs. Here are just a few of the ways that you can prevent your pipes from freezing this winter.
Insulate Your Pipes
One of the most efficient ways to protect your home against frozen pipes is to have your plumbing system fully insulated. You can purchase wrapping for your pipes at most hardware stores, or have your pipes professional insulated for guaranteed protection. Insulation helps to regulate the temperatures of your pipes to ensure that they never get cold enough to freeze. Insulation may be especially helpful for older homes that are less efficient at regulating heat.
Keep Your Thermostat On
You may be considered about wintertime heating bills, but keeping your thermostat on throughout the season will keep your home warm enough to prevent your pipes from freezing. If you’re going out for the day, turn your thermostat down but not all the way off—this way, you’ll save money on excessive heating costs without letting your home get cold enough for the pipes to freeze. If you’re going on vacation this winter, have someone visit your house every few days to run the faucets and ensure the pipes haven’t frozen in your absence.
Flood and leaks from freezing pipes can be some of the most devastating plumbing disasters to happen to any home. Luckily, with a few simple tricks it’s easy to prevent this from happening. If you experience any plumbing disasters or emergencies this season, trust the professional team at Priority Plumbing for expert repair, maintenance and installation services. For more information about our plumbing services and rates, contact us today at Priority Plumbing.